Posts Tagged ‘Dogs’

Bug Season!

Please be aware, bug season is here!

We’ve been getting quite a number of calls from dog owners that their dog’s belly looks like this (see attached photo)

Unfortunately, there is not a lot you can do to prevent these black fly bites. If your dog runs around or lays in a tall grass area, they could get bit. They most commonly occur on the inside of the rear legs and on the belly. As bad as it can look, if this happens, most dogs will not notice and it should clear up quickly on its own. If your dog is bothered by it and is itchy, you can use an Elizabethan collar to prevent unwanted licking or a t-shirt to cover in the area. To help with the itching, try cool water baths and pet oatmeal shampoo. If itching is still severe, or you want more advice by please contact your veterinary clinic for further advice. 


This type of fly is only around for a week or so every spring so hopefully they will be gone soon! 


November is Senior Pet Month

November is Senior Pet month at Westlock Vet Center

Here at Westlock Veterinary Center we are going to be celebrating Senior Pets for the month of November!

Did you know that when your pet reaches the age of 7 it is time to start having regular blood and urine screens done?

Aging is not a disease but it does increase the occurrence of certain conditions such as arthritis, kidney disease, heart disease, and cancer. Having regular screenings done may find a disease before your pet starts showing signs.

Mature animals are also at a higher risk for:

  • Obesity
  • muscle loss
  • renal disease
  • masses and tumours
  • cataracts
  • hypo or hyperthyroidism
  • diabetes
  • dental disease

The earlier your veterinarian diagnoses an underlying condition in your pet, the more options there will be to treat or manage the disease and give your pet a better quality of life.

Targeted nutrition can support your pet at his/her different stages of life. Based on the findings from your pet’s exam your veterinary team may advise a change to their nutrition.  Talk to your veterinarians or technicians about your pet’s health and we will find a diet that has been created to meet the needs of your individual cat or dog.

Fun fact: Dogs and cats age 5-8 times faster than humans, so dogs by age 7 and cats by age 10 are considered seniors.


Call today to book your pet a senior wellness exam at a discount for the month of November!

Wellness profile includes examination, blood work, & urinalysis.


The Dangerous Effects of Marijuana & Pets

Australian Sheppard Westlock Vet Center - Pets & Marijuana

Now that marijuana is legalised, there may be an increase in pets accidentally ingesting the drug. So here is some information on what to watch for and what to do if you know, or think your pet may have ingested marijuana and how dangerous the effects can be.

Can Dogs Get High?
The answer is yes…and this is how…
1. Ingesting marijuana leaves/buds directly
2. Ingesting marijuana laced food
3. Secondhand smoke
While humans use the drug by choice to get high, pets do not, and they can become extremely sick.

What Are the Marijuana Effects on Dogs?
1. Lethargic
2. Breathing problems
3. Lower blood pressure
4. Abnormal heart rhythms
5. Loss of balance
6. Urinary incontinence
7. Seizures/Coma
8. Severe Depression

9. Sensitivity to light and sound
10.Excessive Salivation

What should you do if this happens?
No matter how much marijuana your pet has consumed, if any of these symptoms are present bring your pet to your veterinarian for appropriate treatment. ALWAYS be honest with your veterinarian, the more information you give us the better we can treat your pet. We are here for your pets health and safety and not to judge you.

The amount of marijuana needed for a 150-pound human to feel the effects will be nearly 10 times the amount a 15-pound dog needs.

What about cats you ask?
Just because dogs account for nearly all reported cases of marijuana poisoning it doesn’t mean it can’t happen to cats. Cats just aren’t as curious as dogs and don’t have the same habit of eating random things off the ground. Symptoms to watch for in cats is similar as to those in dogs.

Bottom Line:
When it comes to marijuana use and pets, BE CAREFUL. Keep all forms of marijuana, medical or recreational, out of reach of your pet.

Australian Sheppard Westlock Vet Center