Posts Tagged ‘Broken Leg’
Calves with Broken Legs
This time of year we see a fair number of calves with broken legs.
Typically the calf is a few days old and gets stepped on by over eager, protective moms.
The good news is, these breaks can heal with a little TLC, especially in young calves with fractures of the lower leg. A broken leg calf, with appropriate care, casting, and monitoring generally has a good prognosis. Although it can depend on the location, a cast is applied, left on for 4 weeks and a positive outcome expected!
If you have further questions on casting calves with broken legs, please give the clinic a call.
This little guy was only a day old when he fractured his back lower leg.
Thanks Dr.Lewis and RVT Cassandra for getting him on the road to recovery!

broken leg calf